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Board of Directors:

Fultus has created a good governance checklist to assist the board of directors achieve excellence in governance practice within their credit union – please contact us if your credit union did not receive a copy (NI branches only).  In conjunction with this guide, Fultus can offer workshops or one to one support in implementing these governance structures to ensure your credit union is providing the best possible service to your members.




Do you struggle with the ever increasing responsibilities in achieving the requirements of internal audit?  Is the scope, complexity and nature of risk and internal audit outside your area of expertise?  Then let Fultus help.

       Creds 2.2.10-11 states Credit Unions

       ‘…. Must have an internal audit function…. ’ whose role is to

       ‘monitor adherence to and effectiveness of its systems and


 Pick and choose the areas you are weakest or need most support, determine hours and need to suit your individual requirements; whether its once a year or once a month, Fultus is here to help.

  •  Internal Audit Charter/Policy

  •  Internal Audit Plan

  •  Cash Verification (surprise cash count)

  •  Bank reconciliations

  •  Compliance checks with procedures, policies and legislations

  •  Asset and Investment verification

Credit Unions (Northern Ireland)

With over 20 years experience in finance and audit and having worked within the credit union sector for almost 10 years both voluntary as a board director, and treasurer; and as paid support as and when required, Shelly McCaughey of Fultus has a wealth of knowledge on which you can draw. 

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